Punjab police on Monday once again raided the residence of the former chief minister and Pakistan Muslim League Quaid (PML-Q) leader Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi in Gujrat.
According to details Uniformed and plainclothed, police officials entered Pervaiz Elahi’s residence and started searching the entire house.
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Pervaiz Elahi’s family was not present in the house at the time of the raid. Only the house Gatekeeper, personal guards, and the household worker were present at the house.
Heavy contingents of police were also deployed outside the residence at the time of the raid. It was learned that the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) officials along with the police teams searched the house for one hour.
After completing the search, DPO Gujrat did not interact with the journalists and departed from the house. Remember that it was the second raid at the Former Chief minister’s residency in this month.
Earlier on 1st February Heavy contingent of Punjab police in the early hours of morning raided former Punjab chief minister and PML-Q leader Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi’s residence in Gujrat.
According to reports Police raided Pervaiz Elahi Residence in Gujrat by 4:30 am. Pervaiz Elahi and his son Moonis Elahi were not present at the residence at the time of the police raid.
Pervaiz Elahi said, “Police raided our house in Gujrat, the Zahoor Elahi Palace, at 4:30 am today. They harassed our employees, including women, and then fled when several people gathered.”
The former CM claimed that the federal government and the Punjab caretaker regime were responsible for the raid. Caretaker CM Mohsin Naqvi should try to hold free and transparent elections.
In a tweet, Ex-CM also revealed that he will go to court against this action.