Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif while chairing an apex committee in Peshawar said that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was giving Pakistan “a Tough time” for unlocking stalled $7 billion loan programme.
Premier said “As we all know, an IMF delegation is in Islamabad for holding talks on the stalled loan program and giving a very tough time to the finance minister and his team,”
Also Read : IMF asked Pakistan to raise Power & Gas Tariff for the Revival of Loan Programme
Premier said, “Our economic situation is unimaginable” adding “You all know we are running short of resources,” Sharif said, adding Pakistan “at present was facing an economic crisis that’s beyond imagination.”
Remember that, Pakistan is currently in talks with the IMF delegation that arrived in Islamabad on 30th January 2023 to discuss the stalled ninth review of the 7 Dollars billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF).
Earlier The International Monetary Fund (IMF) demanded Pakistan amend its laws regarding the assets declaration of public servants.
According to the sources inside the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), the IMF requested the public declaration of the government servants’ assets. not only this but the IMF also demanded details of the overseas assets of the bureaucracy, sources said.
Sources said that The IMF has also demanded to make public the government officers’ assets. IMF Proposed setting up an Electronic Assets Declaration System for transparency.
“Bureaucrats’ assets will be checked prior to the opening of a bank account,” sources said. “Banks will get information from the FBR for the opening of accounts of bureaucrats.”
“All 17 to 22 Grade officers have to provide all information before opening a bank account,” sources said.
It is to be Pertinent that The IMF asked Pakistan to impose roughly Rs600-800 billion in additional taxes in the second round of talks to revive the $7 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) stalled for months.