A study by researchers from Arizona University found that our Mobile Phones are at least, 10 times more unhygienic than toilet seats.
According to Researcher Details: We travel from one place to another, and it’s nearly impossible if we aren’t accompanied by our cell phones. Since our hands are almost always in contact with things in the environment, the bacteria is transferred to our phones even after we wash our hands.
According to researchers at the University of Arizona, at most 17,000 bacterial gene copies are detected on cell phones belonging to high school students.
Time report mentions that experts suggest phone users not take their phones everywhere, especially in washrooms. The phones should be cleansed every day with a soft microfibre cloth, and for deep cleaning, a 40% alcohol, and 60% water mixture is recommended.
However, it is to note, that spraying cleaner can also damage the phone.
Remember here one thing, before eating anything never forget to wash or Sanitize your hands.